You want your Instagram to be AESTHETICALLY pleasing…
You want your feed to be follow-worthy.
You want your feed to look organized and professional.
You want the most aesthetically pleasing feed.
I get it.
I used to waste so much time wondering how I could achieve that for my own ‘Gram. When I looked at other profiles that seemingly had no flaws, the process looked so effortless.
I thought, “how can I be more like THAT?” So I decided to go ahead and do it.
And during my Vision Sessions, one of the most popular questions I get asked is, “how do I make my Instagram look better?”
With dedication, innovation, and PATIENCE!
… And the help of this blog post ?
I have 5 tips for building an aesthetically pleasing, organized, and follow-worthy Instagram feed.
- Use the power select colors
- Be loyal to certain filters
- Have a strict “123” style guide
- Balance your feed
- Utilize a FREE Instagram feed planner
Now lets go in depth…

1. Use the power of select colors
Now this is probably my favorite (and SIMPLE) way for achieving that cohesive look for my feeds.
What this means is: posting images that all primarily focus on 1 to 2 colors.
For example, my personal/influencer Instagram tends to focus on blues and greens. Why? Well they happen to be my favorite colors, AND they were the colors I found my pictures had a lot of.
Now I’ll be honest, when you decide to use the power of select colors, you sometimes have to make sacrifices.
For example, if I took a picture of myself in a yellow dress in front of a red and purple wall, it wouldn’t fit the theme of my feed. Which means: I shouldn’t post it. It’ll WRECK the aesthetic.
Another example is my photography and business Instagram, the color I primarily focus on is green! I try to post images that feature shades of green or neutral colors (such as white, gray, or black – they can match anything).
My best advice for this step: Take a hard look at your current Instagram.
What are some consistencies you’re noticing?
- Do you have “warmer” or “cooler” pictures?
- What color clothes are you most often wearing?
- What are some repeat colors you’re noticing in your images?
Write it all down! Then make the decision for what your feed should look like.
Sometimes this means not posting what you actually want to post sometimes. But hey, that’s okay.
Your feed will look A1, and you can totally have a carousel of images so you can still post your favorite pics!
2. Be loyal to certain filters
Filters can make all the difference when it comes to unifying your images!
Just like focusing on what colors are in your photos, using the same 1-2 filters is an easy way to guarantee an organized profile.
Your pictures will come out looking like relatives of each other – which is the key for a visually appealing ‘Gram.
Here are a few of my favorite photo editing apps!:
- Afterlight
- Lightroom CC
- PicsArt
When I think of how much filters actually do for an aesthetically pleasing feed, I always think of Jenna Kutcher! Even though her pictures vary in colors sometimes, you can tell she edits them the same – and they look AMAZING together.
Check it out below.
3. Have a strict “123” Style guide
This is another, more strategic, way to have an organized Instagram feed.
Actually, this is a way to have an SUPER DUPER organized Instagram feed.
If colors and filters are just not enough for you, using a “123” style for your Instagram theme is an extreme way to do so.
Be warned: it takes tons of planning and dedication!
“123” style (or what I dubbed it as) is when you have a set type of post for each row on your feed.
For example: Some people might ALWAYS have their first image in a row be a selfie, the second image might ALWAYS be a quote, and the third image is ALWAYS their dog (I 100% support dog posts!!!).
Or maybe their “123” style is actually a “1-2” style: AKA a checkerboard style. Meaning their posts alternate and kind of look like a checkerboard.
Example: Their first image in a row is ALWAYS a selfie, and their next image is ALWAYS a quote. Then repeat over and over. Selfie, quote, selfie, quote, selfie, quote – you get it.
This article goes over 9 ways you can use this strict organizing style.
4. Balance your feed
Even if you followed ALL the steps so far, your profile wouldn’t look as nice as it could if it didn’t have balance.
It’s important to be aware of how your photos look together.
Is there a cluster of lighter photos together that could be broken up with some contrasting darker photos?
Is there two images next to each other where you’re doing the same pose and could throw into another image in between them?
Basically, break up your content so balance is created!
If you don’t pay attention to balance, your feed could come across as messy or overwhelming. Your photos could essentially get lost and not make someone want to explore your Instagram further.
*** Remember: this doesn’t mean you have to have a strict “123” or checkerboard style! Just be sure you break up your images every once in a while.
Check out this example below.
5. Utilize a free instagram feed planner
Look at me, saving THE BEST for last!
Without an Instagram feed planner, this blog would mean nothing.
My Instas would not be what they are today.
Not to be dramatic or anything.
If you take anything from these 5 tips, take this one! Instagram feed planners are what make aesthetically pleasing feeds go ’round.
Instagram feed planners are wonderful apps where you can load in your Instagram photos, and add in images you haven’t posted yet. You can drag them around and see what your feed is going to look like in the future.
These. Are. Amazing.
Instead of guessing if your Instagram is going to look great, the apps will literally SHOW YOU. You don’t have to commit to posting if you’re not 100% sure.
This has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE when it comes to keeping my feeds amazing.
You’ll notice:
- “Hey, these 2 pictures don’t look great side by side, maybe I should put a picture in between them.”
- “This picture doesn’t match my other ones, I think it’s because its darker than the rest. Let me quickly edit it.”
- “The order I wanted my photos in don’t really look as good as they did in my head.”
My favorite feed planners on the app store:
- Plann
- Preview
The takeaways?
It takes a great deal of planning and patience to get that cohesive feed you’re dreaming about.
And to be honest? NONE OF THIS IS MANDATORY. Some people roll their eyes at this kind of stuff. There’s no right or wrong way to showcase your feed.
If you want to take the extra steps, go do it girl. I’m rooting for you!
Now you can truly appreciate those people you follow who have a stunning and well thought out profile!
If you’re wondering what other ways you can make your social media pop and grow your following, consider booking one of my Vision Sessions! This blog is just a small fraction of the information I have!