Delaware Senior Portraits | Wesley College In Dover Delaware

The beautiful Wesley College is my lovely alma mater. And as always, I was so excited to come take senior portraits for my fellow Delaware native on this historic campus! But in 2021 it was more than just excitement for some bomb portraits. Or excitement for this step in their careers!
These senior portraits for Keshia at Wesley College in Dover Delaware were extra nostalgic for me.
As you may or may not know, Wesley College closed its doors back in July of 2021. While the campus is still there, the college was acquired by Delaware State University. So all of my 2021 seniors were super special for me as I knew it was the last round of seniors from Wesley.
Keshia graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. And we wanted to really celebrate her hard work! So we were sure to make that come through in her portrait session.
I had so much fun with these nursing graduation portraits and getting to incorporate it heavily in Keshia’s session. Everything from her nursing class textbooks to the Wesley College nursing student blue scrubs! And of course we could not leave out her pink stethoscope or the famous white nurse shoes.
Now while Wesley College may sadly be no more, the campus is still there. So this means that we can still take portraits here if your heart desires! It is a historic part of the state of Delaware and served the community of Dover Delaware for 147 years and I’m so on board with capturing some more memories on campus.
I’m always just a message away.
Let’s document your wins, pop some champagne, and make sure to kick start your career with a proper celebration! After all, all those days in class and late night study sessions that lead up to your graduation have come to an end!
That on it’s own is worth partying for!