Outdoor Family Portraits in Ubly Michigan

For a while now I’ve been going to visit Nicole to take her portraits. And it’s been a blast every time! But this trip was extra special. Why? Because this time we took outdoor family portraits in the beautiful midwest greenery.
My friends, join me in Ubly Michigan for Nicole, Victor and Arrow’s outdoor family portraits.
This was my first time photographing the whole family since Arrow’s arrival! I was so excited to captured Michigan’s beautiful scenery and to meet Arrow for the first time. As I expected, he was a complete natural in front of the camera and he’s just too cute! And as always Nicole and Victor were a blast to work with too.
Nicole even made not one, but two fun Reels out of this outdoor family portraits session covering her go to poses for both mommy and baby and couples.
Arrow was such a little trooper through the whole session. And it helps that we made sure to prepare everything to go as smoothly as possible.
I have a few tips for you to help your family session with a baby go according to plan!
First of all it never hurts to bring along a helper. Someone your baby knows and trusts and that can help entertain the baby while you take a chance to capture a few photos of just the adults! It’s a win win.
Secondly, plan your session around your babies schedule. You know your baby best, you know what time of day they are happiest during and what times to avoid. Communicate this with your photographer and come up with a plan to keep your baby happy during your session.
Another thing to keep in mind is to bring a packed bag! Bring all the burp cloths and the extra outfits for baby and parents. And don’t forget the blankets and any comfort items baby might need.
And the main thing is to go with it! Go into your session with a positive mindset and with the intention to have fun!